It has been some time since I last wrote about my journey. It has not been one of ease nor a path of fantastic events. Throughout the past weeks, the sense of being rushed overwhelmed me sometimes to the point of returning to old habits. No sooner is it Sunday afternoon I blink and a week has gone past and its Sunday afternoon once more. The cycle continues without anything happening, except the panicky rush to “get things done”. All the while, I wonder what is being achieved.
Then Coronavirus appeared, and the world came to the realisation that what we do with our lives is more important than who we impress. We realised that those who care for us and feed us are more important than the famous who don’t have a positive effect on our lives and the continuance of those lives. We realised that there is little we can do for those who decide to act on a misguided belief they are invincible. We understand that the pace we are living our lives is too fast for our health.
In South Africa, we are in lockdown. We can only leave our homes for essentials, meaning food and medical care. The rest of the time we are to be inside making sure we remain healthy, keep our homes, clothes and environment sanitised and of course, ourselves and families fed.
Businesses have closed.
Schools have closed.
People are hearing so many things that are conflicting and worrisome. We are now on day four of the twenty-one-day lockdown. I’m already feeling calmer, more focused and looking around at what is in my home that needs attending.
It amazed me when looking through drawers, packed shelves and cupboards the number of items I found to fix up things in my home. Be creative. Sort through and either, throw away, give away or store away. The three simple rules of de-cluttering. During these tasks, I found myself finding a level of control I had lost. It was liberating to know that what was in my home was needed, of use and something that could make my environment better and more inspirational.
It got me to thinking of being smarter in sorting my kitchen wall unit, for instance. It is made of pine a beautiful golden wood when varnished. The monthly scrubbing it gets only wears the varnish thinner. Light bulb moment …
The clear shelf contact I found in the “I’ll get to” box will save a lot of worries. Methodically I begin to clear, clean (and now sanitise) each shelf, make sure it is absolutely dry before cutting the contact to size and sticking it on. The job is arduous, and there is a lot of time in between getting the shelf dry. While waiting, I begin the task of sorting through what was on the shelf. I’m astounded to find I fall in the category of a small-time hoarder.
Even if you think you have it altogether something pops up somewhere, keeping you humble. Reminding you that even you don’t always know what is in your home.
Its time to do just that.
Over the following days of lockdown, I commit doing at least one thing to bring inspiration, order and control to my environment before settling to write for the day on NaNo Camp.